This WordPress theme is a perfect solution for burger and steak houses. 它有一个内置的表格用于预订桌子. To list grill dishes and bar drinks, Moto Restaurant Menu will come in...
Sales: 108
Support: 4.4/5
Represent your coffeehouse, confectionery, café in the most tempting way with Arabusta! 您将轻松快速地创建一个专业和现代的网站,感谢咖啡屋WordPress主题.
Sales: 99
Support: 4.4/5
海鲜餐厅WordPress主题餐厅需要一个网站吗? 奇怪的是,许多餐馆老板甚至没有考虑过这个问题. Of course, the recommendations of visitors, word of mouth radio work...
Sales: 95
Support: 4.4/5
Rajha -印度餐厅主题
不仅仅是菜肴要美味——享受印度餐厅令人垂涎欲滴的设计吧。每个餐厅最重要的是它的菜肴和菜肴的味道. But creating an...
Sales: 2
Support: 4.4/5
Yami - Foods & 餐厅主题
Yami是一个干净而现代的WordPress主题,专门用于咖啡馆 & Restaurants or any food-related business website that needs an online reservation function
Sales: 38
Support: 4.1/5


Food service industry is the one with the highest level of competition. 有时候,在数量不断增加的餐厅中,雇佣专业员工并不足以成为一家餐厅的领导者, cafes, food stores, and delivery services. However, we found a perfect way for your business declare itself and create a website! 满足我们充满活力的各种时尚和易于使用的咖啡厅 & 餐厅WordPress主题创建,以突出您的优势,把相互合作变成一个愉快的经验,为您和您的客户.


作为消费者,我们用自己的真实体验创造出我们喜欢的产品. 除了成为您服务的常客,我们给您的网站访问者留下了别无选择的选择.


我们的主题包含无数的功能,这将有助于创建一个适合您的概念的网站. 自定义任何主题,以您的口味! 在我们干净的代码的帮助下,让它成为你自己的, 对于没有经验的用户来说,哪一个更容易编辑.

适当的设计在促进餐饮服务业务的作用是很难高估的. 我们的工作是唤醒你网站访问者内心的渴望. Your job is to feed them! 不断增长的各种独特的设计将匹配任何食品相关的网站概念,你已经在脑海中. 不管是意大利餐厅还是小蛋糕网店, 它是准备使用华丽的模板等着你! 使用一个优雅的布局来突出你的地方的地位, or pick the one with a bright color palette to make your menu options look even more appetizing. 对设计的任何细节进行更改, 从字体到页面布局, 在用户友好的主题定制器的帮助下. More than 500 integrated Google fonts are also available with our templates, 确保每一段文字看起来都很精炼. 如果我们遗漏了什么,你可以使用内容模块为你的网站添加必要的新选项.

Additional pages, such as Menu, Gallery, Our Team, Forum, Career, History, etc., can be used as a tool to provide a customer with useful information regarding next orders, 也可以作为你对有趣的公司生活的洞察.

菜单页对于网上商店和送货服务来说是不可或缺的. However, 咖啡馆老板也可能会发现,为顾客提供一种选择和提前计划晚上活动的可能性是很方便的.

您可以自由地夸耀您的餐厅的豪华内饰或显示菜单上使用画廊最令人垂涎的饭菜图片. Share photos of your friendly staff and professional holidays spent together on Our Team page. Let your visitors wonder, leave comments, advice, and opinions - use your Forum page as a chance to have an active discussion. 吸引新的有价值的员工,让他们在职业页面上申请简历——用你网站内容的魔力扩大你的员工. Tell about your work traditions and a story behind creating your restaurant on the History page. 让好奇的顾客读你的故事,感觉自己是团队的一部分. 它肯定会为你的生意创造奇迹.

管理一家餐馆并不是一件容易的事, however, we imagine, 它只会变得更加艰难, 曾经有一个惊人的网站建在我们的 WordPress高级主题 launches. 随着预订数量呈指数级增长, 保持所有收到的订单都在检查中似乎是不可能的. Don’t panic! 我们事先都想好了. Now, 在内置约会管理器插件的帮助下, all your reservations will be collected in one place – right on the website of your restaurant. 不需要使用任何辅助程序,也不需要阻塞工作空间. 填写时间表,并检查所有预约与餐厅预订和预订插件和您的人体工程学网站的帮助.

We also offer a responsive design, which attracts many smartphone and tablet users. 通过移动设备进入互联网的数量每年都在增长. In order for a web page to stay relevant, it has to support the ability to log in via phone. 没有什么比一个滞后的系统更能让访问者离开网页了, 在哪里可以阅读任何文本帖子, 你需要放大一个页面, 那里的照片都是尴尬的尺寸. 现在,想象一下试图从这样的网站上订购任何东西. Thanks to our team, 您的网站将成功地在任何设备上查看, making your customer’s experience with your business even more pleasant than ever.

In addition, we have already tested our WordPress Themes on every possible internet browser, and it is safe to say that we achieved an ability to offer our customers cross-browser templates. 我们的目标是让您能够避免手动检查网站外观的耗时过程.

当客户开始使用我们的主题时,我们关心的是最终结果和新的可能性. That is why we make sure that all our available themes are SEO friendly. 吸引新访客,让别人听到你的声音!

To make sure you have a pleasant experience with our WordPress Themes, 我们提供的文档提供了关于主题设置的安装和未来操作的明确说明. Also, bear in mind that, 如果你还有任何问题或顾虑, 欢迎您随时向我们友好的技术支持部门求助,并获得我们团队的专业建议.

我们的开发者创造了独一无二的, tasteful, 引人注目的餐厅WordPress主题的目标是捕捉注意力和诱导饥饿在你的客户,同时结合它易于使用, intuitive interfaces that contain all essential features and even more. 找到一个完美的餐厅布局设计, make it the face of your business and get ready for a wave of new regular customers.

如果您希望缩小模板的选择范围, 探索这些美丽的专业设计选择:

5 Premium Cafe & 餐厅WordPress主题2024

Template Name Price Sales Collections
创意多用途的WordPress主题 $85 13 35
咖啡店-咖啡馆酒吧酒吧餐厅WordPress主题 $75 130 126
好的餐厅WordPress主题 $75 10
La Food -意大利餐厅响应WordPress主题 $75 61 84
Plantables -素食餐厅WordPress主题 $75 26 23


Redesign your restaurant website with our new stylish WordPress theme



为了翻译一个主题, make sure that the WordPress product that you have chosen is translation-ready. 接下来,在你的电脑上安装Poedit软件.

  • 打开Poedit并选择Create new translation.
  • 选择要翻译主题的语言.
  • 突出显示要翻译的任何字符串.
  • 一旦你翻译了你的主题, save the file (lt_LT in this example) in the same directory as the original template.


结合整个WordPress主题或其中的一些元素是WordPress的主要特征之一 Monstroid2. 主题包含一个Magic Button, 哪个模块提供了访问所有模块的权限, widgets, pages, layout elements, 和皮肤,可以找到从包的所有子主题.


  • 登录到你的WordPress管理区.
  • Next, click on Appearance >> Themes.
  • 使用高级搜索查找所需的主题.
  • 在主题预览的旁边,有一个安装按钮.
  • 一旦主题被安装,激活它.

Are Cafe and Restaurant Supplies WordPress themes a one-time purchase?

如果您选择包含免费终身更新的主题, then you won't need to invest extra cash in its further enhancements.


Imperion WordPress theme is a ready-made digital item that is optimized as per the modern-day SEO requirements.



在计算机技术的时代, people often get acquainted with the restaurant they want to visit beforehand. 他们通常在网上查.

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在计算机技术的时代, people often get acquainted with the restaurant they want to visit beforehand. 他们通常在网上查.

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在计算机技术的时代, people often get acquainted with the restaurant they want to visit beforehand. 他们通常在网上查.

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在计算机技术的时代, people often get acquainted with the restaurant they want to visit beforehand. 他们通常在网上查.

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